10 Things You Should Know or Do When Applying for Disability
You’ve made the decision to apply for Social Security Disability benefits. Now what do you do? The process can be overwhelming and sometimes confusing.
Many claims are denied due to simple mistakes. It’s easy to see why. There is a lot of lingo and acronyms that may not be familiar to you yet and many requirements that you’ll have to navigate.
That’s why we’re giving you a top ten list of things you NEED TO KNOW OR DO when applying for disability. Be sure to print these out or take notes so that you don’t miss a step!
To download your FREE GUIDE “Things You Should Know or Do When Filing an Application for Disability”, click the button below:
Social Security has recently undergone some dramatic shifts in how claims are evaluated. The listing of impairments has changed. The rules for evaluating treating physician opinions has changed. Rules concerning the submission of evidence, notice about such evidence, and consequences for failing to follow these rules have changed. We keep up with these changes, adjust our practice to accommodate these rules, and work to provide our clients with quality representation.
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