
 Social Security Disability Blog

Guiding Ohioans Through The Social Security Disability Process

Applying for Disability Benefits While Self-Employed 

Applying for Disability Benefits While Self-Employed 

Applying for disability benefits can be a complex process for anyone, but if you're self-employed, there are additional challenges to consider. As a self-employed individual, business owner, or entrepreneur, you've spent years working hard, building something from the...

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Top 10 Questions to Ask Your Disability Lawyer

Top 10 Questions to Ask Your Disability Lawyer

So, you’ve decided to apply for disability benefits and your initial consultation with a disability lawyer is on the books. Now, what are the next steps? These 10 questions will help clarify the disability claims process and ensure you receive the best possible...

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Steps to Success with Your SSDI Claim

Applying for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) can be a daunting task. Understanding the evaluation process is essential for a successful claim. SSDI provides financial support to individuals who are unable to work due to a disability. Knowing what to expect...

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